Book a discovery call !

Request a quote and get...

• A step-by-step action plan

• 11 unique sales approaches

• Ultra-qualified, hand-picked prospects

• AA/BB test approaches (diamonds extraction)

• 24/7 performance monitoring

• Calendar management for your business developers

• Get 30+ appointments easily with ultra-qualified prospects

Frequently asked questions, but not unanswered

What's your usual show-up rate?

Fastlane™ outperforms normal cold calls or targeted cold calls with an astonishing 94% show-up rate.

Why is Fastlane™ better than normal cold calling?

Fastlane™ isn't affected by emotion. Fastlane™ doesn't wait for the next weekend, the next vacation or the next pay rise. You can efficiently scale Fastlane™ without recruiting a single new business developer. What's more, Fastlane™ is designed to outperform yesterday's results while your regular business developers and setters will have good days and bad days.

What name do you use when you contact prospects?

We use the names of your best business developers and your company's brand to make contact with prospects. Trust is built up when the business developer's name doesn't change during the process.

Can we see the scripts you use?

Yes, of course, we'll examine all the scripts together before activating the Fastlane™ approach strategy.

How do you know who to contact?

En communiquant avec votre équipe lors de la réunion d'intégration. Nous définirons des attentes claires pour les prospects avec lesquels vous souhaitez commencer à travailler.

Why is Fastlane™ a better way to reach your prospects than cold calling?

Fastlane™ works with the same quality every time, and that's why Fastlane™ is more effective than cold calling. If you could choose, would you contact your dream prospects with the same quality every time leaving a professional first impression or would you want a hungry cold calling center to book appointments at any price for your brand just so they could send you a nice invoice?

Will our business suffer as a result?

No. We won't use your main domain to activate our outreach strategy.

Do you provide a list of our ideal prospects when you prospect?

Yes, we provide a list of your ideal prospects. We build your list with our team, selecting up to +5,000 qualified prospects.

What should my average transaction size be to get the most out of Fastlane™?

Good question. If you're a SaaS company, + €1,000 LTV is enough to make using Fastlane™ profitable. If you're a B2B technology company or agency, + €2,000 LTV is enough to make using Fastlane™ profitable.

Can you do the meetings for us?

Unfortunately not. Our main objective is to fill your best salespeople's calendars with 17 - 33 ultra-qualified appointments per month.

Does your outreach strategy harm our brand image?

No. Using Fastlane™ increases your brand image positively. Fastlane™ is not pushy marketing.

What happens if we have too many sales meetings?

We can suspend the campaign and reschedule the surplus the following month.

How much work do I need to do?

Nothing. Almost zero effort after we completed our start-up process and set up Fastlane™.

What happens if prospects don't show up?

This is very rare. If your prospect doesn't show up, you can always contact your contact person by e-mail to book a new slot.

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